Free Scoresheets for Local Clubs

Steve Lovell has organised for Greene King (his Bury St Edmunds based employer) to “sponsor” the production of custom score sheets for use by local clubs, specifically those competing in (standard play) events in the Suffolk, Norfolk or Bury Area Leagues. Each club has been allocated a number of scoresheets based on how many standard-play matches were in the fixture lists for the 2023-24 season.
Distribution to clubs has already begun, and where not distributed before then, will most likely be completed via league AGMs. If you’re keen to get your hands on your club’s share, then please contact Steve Lovell to make arrangements. You can do that via our contact page.
You’ll get a flavour of the scoresheet design from the photo above, and will see there is a QR-code on the reverse side. That links to here, where you’ll find links to rules for the leagues mentioned, and for results entry to the ECF LMS. Lastly, there’s also an acknowledgement to Greene King for their support, which itself also contains a link to a PDF version of the scoresheets should you wish to see the design in full (or possibly print your own). Also on the reverse of the scoresheet is space for recording the results of a four-board match.
There was some debate amongst league leadership as to whether Greene King was an appropriate sponsor for our chess, but the overwhelming majority thought it was an excellent pairing, though obviously individual clubs may decide it’s not a good fit for them (or not appropriate for certain events, possibly involving juniors).
Credit also to, who offered excellent service and support for this little project. If you’re looking to get things printed, you can use my referral link for a discount, which will also give me a discount on my next order (which will almost certainly be something else chess related, so it’s a win-win for the chess community).
If anyone reading this would like also like to produce custom scoresheets and would like some advice (and perhaps to use my “.pub” file as a template), do get in touch.
Well done Steve.
Stowmarket would like a few hundred score sheets as our supplies are dwindling.
I was about to order a thousand but if we get them for free we will have some more money for the horrendous electricity bill for heating our venue.
I could pop into Bury to collect the score sheets on a Thursday evening if they are available.