EACU Vacancies – Secretary & Treasurer Required Urgently
Richard Freeman, the current EACU Secretary and Treasurer, will be moving to the West Country before the end of the season and we urgently require replacements for both posts. While Richard has successfully and efficiently managed to combine both roles we are thinking of splitting the roles, and any interested applicants can apply for either or both roles.
The reason filling the posts is urgent is so that Richard can brief the incumbent(s) but also so that we can ensure that the new Treasurer is set up to run our Bank account.
Both roles are vital to the running of EACU and can you please pass this email round your Clubs, Members, Officers, Colleagues or anyone you feel may wish to be considered. If anyone wishes to discuss what is entailed they can contact the Richard or EACU chairman John Wickham. Contact details for both can be found in the EACU’s own announcement here.
For anyone unaware, the East Anglian Chess Union (EACU) is the body which organises the regional county competitions, the EACU Championship, the EACU Grand Prix, and represents local chess leagues and their members to the ECF at their various meetings.